No Stone Left Alone

Message from Comrade Peter Martin-Co-Ordinator of No Stone Left Alone (NSLA)


This year as a result of COVID 19 restriction there will be no NSLA ceremony at the cemetery. We have kept up the tradition of speaking to all the classes that participated last year- virtually. We would like Veterans, Legion Members and our Community to place a poppy on a stone in the Field of Honour during Remembrance week. I will post a picture of the stones after Nov. 11 and hopefully all stones will have a poppy.

The NSLA organization have started an initiative, see below to create a “pass the Poppy “chain.  If everyone follows the instructions they can also participate.

Message from Michelle Koch |  No Stone Left Alone Communications/ National Coordinator – Ceremonies 2020 

As we near Remembrance Day, we are working on a social media initiative to encourage people to wear their poppies, and to share with the world what we do.

The initiative is called Pass the Poppy. It’s a short video of clips strung together, of people passing a poppy from one to another. You may have seen a similar format where grads this year did a Pass the Grad Dress video. We would love for you to contribute.

It’s really simple to do.  “Please make sure you hold the ctrl button and click on the word here”to watch a little how to video HERE. Just have someone record you, your friends, family or colleagues passing a poppy from one side of the video frame to the centre, then to the other side. Just a phone video recording is perfect. Then send the clips to me, and we will stitch them together in a video which will end with Maureen laying a poppy on her mother’s headstone – bringing it full circle. I’m attaching a sample clip here of what we’re looking for.

We would love to fill social media with these videos, and encourage other Canadians to participate as well. While we can’t manufacture a “viral” sensation, we do hope that it will gain traction and become a part of the way that Canadians remember this year – especially since we can’t be together. The more of these we get, the better to share our message of remembrance with the world.

Poppies are now available so please grab yours and join us in this effort to remind Canadians to remember.

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