Remembrance Day Service

Open Invitation

Please join us on November 11th, 2022.

The day starts off with a parade at 10:00 am.

from the Branch down Regent to Leola

South on Leola to Pandora to East End Arena.

Everyone is welcome to march in our Parade.

We ask everyone to be at the Branch at 9:30 am.

Please dress for the weather along with good

walking boots or shoes. We will not be marching

back nor will there be transportation to the Branch

after the service.

If you are unable to march, please feel free to

go straight to the East End Arena.

We ask that everyone be seated for 10:30 am.

Remembrance Exhibit

November 7th, 2022

Please join us as we participate in the annual event held at the centre court in Kildonan Place. The Transcona Musuem will be unveiling their Exhibit in honour of our Military personal.

Time: Noon at Centre Court

Our Branch is participating with our President and Colour Party

Nov 7th to end of Exhibit at shopping mall Honours Fallen Transcona soldiers

During Remembrance Week we encourage everyone to go to Kildonan Place and see the Exhibit

that the Transcona Museum has on display honouring the Military personel from our Community

Poppy Campaign


Our campaign starts Friday October 28th to November 11. There will be boxes placed in our Branch, Businesses throughout our community and you will see canvassers at different business.

The Poppy is distributed freely to all who wish to wear one, we gratefully accept donations to the Poppy Fund. The donations collected during the Poppy Campaign are held in trust at our Branch to directly support Veterans and their families within our community.

We join the millions of Canadians wearing a Poppy as the pledge to honour Canada’s Veterans both past and current for the sacrifices made on our behalf for the freedoms we enjoy today.

The Poppy should be worn on the left breast, close to the heart. Poppies may be worn throughout the Remembrance period, including in the evening after Remembrance Day Ceremony. Some choose to remove their Poppy at the conclusion of our ceremony and place their Poppy on a wreath or at the Cenotaph, as a sign of respect.

We thank our community for supporting the Legion’s Poppy Campaign, honouring Canada’s Veterans.