Remembrance Week Activities

Volunteers from our Branch will be out handing out Poppies within the Community

November 5No Stone Left Alone at the Field of Honour in the Transcona Cemetery.

Everyone is welcome to witness this momentous event starting at 10:00 a.m.

Grade 6 students arrive 9:30 a.m.

Please review our Website for any up to date information Sunday Nov 04th.

We may be reaching out to our Members/Community to help us out with some


November 5 Our Colour Party will take part, at Kildonan Place in a Remembrance Ceremony hosted by the Transcona Museum at Centre Court start time noon.


November 11th, Our annual Remembrance Day Service. We will start Remembrance Day by marching from our Branch at 10:00 a.m. We will march east on Regent, south on Leola and then east on Pandora to the East End Arena. We ask all attending the service to please be seated by 10:30 a.m. The service and the laying of the wreaths should be completed by 12:00 p.m. We will not parade back to the Branch. All activities will be held at the arena. Normally our

Branch is not opened on a Sunday we will be opened after the service. Members and their  guests are welcome to come back to the Branch.

As the sun goes down, we mark the 100th Anniversary with the ringing of 100 bells.  St George Orthodox Church on 121 Harvard St E will be ringing their bells in recognition of this momentous event.

When you hear the bells toll please take a moment to remember all those who have served
and what they have sacrificed.


Contribution for our Personnel serving overseas

Please see the list below of items that we are collecting to send

to our Troops… Please only bring the items below. We do have 

a rather lengthy list of items not accepted by Canada Post that 

is posted at the Branch. We have a fair number of personnel

stationed overseas so we are asking if you can please dig deep

and help us in this worthy cause. As we need to have the items

ready to be packed by Oct 26th we would appreciate if you could

fill the bin located in front of the main club room by no later then

Oct 25th. Your contribution helps show our Members 

Overseas that they are “NOT FORGOTTEN”.



* Cookies                                              * Tim Hortons Gift cards

* Candy                                                * Powdered drink mixes

* Gum                                                  * Current magazines

* Granola bars                                       * Crossword puzzles/Word Find

* Protein bars                                        * Yoyo’s

* Beef jerky                                           * Playing cards

* Dried fruit                                           * Christmas stickers

* Trail mix                                             * Cough drops

* Mixed nuts                                          * Razors

* Pens                                                   * Floss

* Paper                                                  * Baby wipes

* Cards                                                  * Hand lotion

* Lip Balm                                             * Xmas decorations

* Toothpaste

For those wishing to donate cash/Tim Horton Gift cards instead of goods to the Support Our Troops

Campaign, please place the donation in a sealed envelope with your name and address on the outside

The Bin has been moved closer to the stage area.