2018 National Convention Update: Need Volunteers

We are looking for volunteers to assist us during our Convention

All the volunteers will be Scrutineers and are needed for both
August 27th and August 28th.

Transportation will be provided from 3 Branches

Transcona, Elmwood and Norwood

  We are targeting for 8 am each day to
approximately 4:30 pm.

We will drive you back to the Legion at the
end of the shift. We will be at the Convention Centre.

We will provide some beverages, and lunch each day as well as a T-Shirt.
The T-Shirt will identify you as a Scrutineer.
Duties include picking up and counting ballots.


Anyone interested please contact the Branch. leave your name and
phone number, shirt size. You do not have to be a Legion Member to
volunteer for this.

2018 National Convention Volunteers

We are looking for drivers to help take our delegates to and from the convention.

Requirement-Valid driver’s License.

The starting point for this will be at our Branch.

Hours we need drivers are from 10 am -3 pm and 4 pm -midnight.

We have a signup sheet posted on the bulletin board across from the Bar.

Convention takes place Aug 25-29th at the Convention Centre.


We are looking for 30 volunteers to be scrutineers August 27th and 28th.

Transportation will be provided from the Legion to and from the Convention Centre for both days.

You do not have to be a Legion member to volunteer.

Good manual dexterity is essential as you will be counting many ballots over the two-day period.

Lunch will be provided as well as the Volunteer T-shirt. When you respond we will need the

size for the t-shirt.

If you are interested please contact either:

Kim Adams: adamsk@mymts.net

Joan Marion: joan@margiesgreenhouse.com

Subject line: Scrutineer

OR leave your name and phone number in a sealed envelope at the bar.

Attention: Kim Adams Re: Scrutineer.

Featuring Veterans from our Community

We are looking to feature, in a published format, Veterans from our community who have served in both past/present conflicts.

Please provide a photo of the Veteran (s) and a brief story about them, their careers, when, where and in what

capacity they served along with your contact information that would be greatly appreciated.

The informaton can be emailed to the  Branch7@shaw.ca  Attention Donna Publicity.

Drop it off in an envelope to attn: Donna at our Branch at 117 Regent Av E any time after 2 pm during the week

and 1 pm on Saturday.

You can also mail the information to:

PO Box 62005
Transcona Postal Station
104 Regent Avenue East
Winnipeg, MB
R2C 5G2

ATTN Donna -Publicity

350 Transcona Cadets Ceremonial Review

Location Joseph Teres School 131 Sanford Fleming Rd

The cadets provide support and participation for our Branch including Remembrance Day, Decoration Day, and the Poppy Campaign.

We are inviting Veterans from our Branch to witness this event as a sign of comradeship.

This is a formal event so dress for this event is casual business attire, past and current Executive Veterans please wear your Legion Uniform.

If you are interested in attending please provide your name to Les Isaacs by May 30th so seating can be reserved.

Les can be contacted by phone at 204-222-0257 or mailto: isales@mymts.net.

Les is the Liaison with our Branch and the Sea Cadets.