Monday Night Bingo 18+ Event
February 24, 2025 #LGCA 773-RF-43951
Game Estimated Jackpot
Lucky 7 $150.00 Bingo in 17# or less
Lucky Star $725.00 Bingo on Star
Bonanza $500.00 Bingo in 50# or less
Mini Loonie $1138.50 + Bingo on pre-drawn #’s
* Full House & Green Strip are played at the same time *
Full House * $150.00 Bingo in 49# or less
with Green Stripe* $894.50 + Bingo in 49# or less
We play with paper cards
Early bird games start at 6:45pm – Regular Bingo starting at 7:00pm
***ALL JACKPOTS as advertised at the Monday Bingo shall take precedent
over any potential discrepancies listed on the website or Facebook page
R.C.L. Transcona #7
Intended for Manitoba residents only