Remembering D-Day
Message from Comrade Peter Martin- Transcona Branch #7
Saturday June 6th is the 76th Anniversary of the D-Day landing in Normandy
Every year in the past, the Transcona Legion have acknowledged this historic event with ceremonies at the Transcona cemetery Field of Honour and followed by wreath laying at the Transcona Cenotaph.
This year is not the same and all Legions are ensuring their members and the public stay safe in light of Covid -19. I find it kind of interesting that those who landed on D-Day did that to also keep us safe and free. Even though we cannot get together for ceremonies of Remembrance, we should all think about those who served and especially those who paid the ultimate sacrifice. We paid a high price for freedom and we should never forget that and continue to appreciate what a wonderful country we live in.
My father, Paul Martin landed during the first wave on Juno Beach. He was a dispatch rider, and the picture below shows him on his motorcycle in the Isle of Wight, where he trained for the invasion.
I was on Juno Beach last year and collected sand and stones from the beach where he landed which is included in my creation below. He survived but many of his friends did not. His best friend from School, Roger Ferman was captured during the landing and shot by his captors two days later along with 39 others in a wheat field. My father did not speak a lot about his experience but one thing he did say was that the D-Day landing was a massive team effort with unbelievable support from many including Transcona ladies making shells at the Transcona shops.
This Saturday, please accept sincere thanks of appreciation for all your family and friends that served 76 years ago. Their participation and sacrifice will never be forgotten even during this time of Covid-19.
Lest We Forget